Idea #12: Wine Reference For Your Pocket

I’ve actually wanted this application since 2005. With the rise of the smartphone, this is completely feasible now and I can’t believe it doesn’t exist.

Picture it: you’re perusing a wine list and nothing looks familiar. You’re browsing the aisles of the wine store and only 1/100th of the wines actually have a hang tag. You wish you had a little extra help in deciding. You could go to Google and try to find out more info, but that’s a bit heavyweight. What would be really nice would be a wine app for your phone which matches your search based on only a few characters. The database could be based on a site like Cork’d or some other curated source. Reviews/ratings from major wine critics as well as users on Cork’d would be displayed.

You could sell a subscription to the site or data downloads. The app could be free or made available for a small fee.

I was thinking this would be an iPhone app, but really it could also be a generic mobile app if you could get the live web search to be fast enough / good enough.

Potential revenue sources: advertising, app purchase, subscription

Known Implementations: None (as always, let me know in the comments if you hear of anything)
