Idea #4: Keep Your Desktop Clean with ‘Squeaky’

I would like a basic Mac app (let’s call it ‘Squeaky’) which automatically keeps my desktop clean via some simple, configurable rules. If I start with a clean desktop, after a week of working, my desktop looks like this:

dirty desktop

I’d like to be able to automagically sort files into folders by File Name Pattern, Kind, Date Created, and Date Modified. An example might be to grab all the image files on my Desktop and store them in a folder called Images. These would be swept automatically at some interval (configurable).

I’ve registered a domain for the application: (as in squeaky clean), but I am of course open to some other name for the app. My original codename for the project is ‘crap app’, so perhaps that would work.

I’d also like a manual cleanup option which would let me sweep all files into a file named Stuff-. This would be especially handy when I’m about to give a presentation and put my laptop on the big screen. 🙂 Sometimes though, I just want a clean desktop to think more clearly. It’d be neat if I could ‘press a button’ and voila, clean desk.

I figure this would be worth at least $10 to people who need it, perhaps more if it was well done.

Known Implementations:

  • Hazel ($21.95) [I think this probably does much more than what I’m asking for, and as such, the cost is more than I would expect. However, it’s the best thing that I know of to solve the problem.]
  • Clean (command line utility by Ross Andrews)

Please let me know if you know of other existing solutions or if you would like to create this application. My computer and my brain would thank you greatly if you could help keep my Desktop squeaky clean.

Idea #3: Dropped Call Registry

There’s been a lot of talk lately about the iPhone, AT&T vs. Verizon coverage maps, and dropped calls. I have certainly experienced dropped calls here in Austin during the holidays. I was even contacted by an AT&T Social Media Manager (ATTNicole) to get more details about my dropped calls. This is nice and I’m glad she is asking. But I thought to myself, what we really need is a web site which delivers this info to the cell phone companies en masse.

A site like Time Capsule Dead, but for dropped calls.

Initially, it’d be a database app with the following fields:

Nearest Intersection:
Phone Hardware:
Firmware Version:

The data could be collected, aggregated by geographic location (city, or even mapping the intersection) to help find hotspots of FAIL for a particular carrier, time of day, and location.

What say you?

Known Implementations:

Mark The Spot (AT&T only, data not public) (hat tip: @maczter)


OpenSignalsMaps (Mashable article) [added 2/14/2011]

Gizmodo article about Mark The Spot (hat tip: @maczter)

Sensorly – an app which collects phone data and builds real coverage maps from its users’ phones (hat tip: @lennysan)

Idea #2: Twitter Lists “What Others Think of You” Cloud

Use the list names (take each word between the hyphens) and group them together into a group. So this is a fun little site to see what others think about you. And if the person is popular at all, you should pretty quickly hone in on some key factors about the person.

So for example…these are the lists that I’ve been added to as of November 2009:


Looking at this, you can probably surmise that I’m in Austin, work with Ruby and Rails, and am a programmer.

Now, due to the Twitter AJAX page loading, you don’t get all of the lists in one shot. You get 20 at a time. Therefore, it is difficult to quickly scan all lists and form an opinion without some help. This is especially true for people featured on hundreds of lists. So, the tool would grab all the lists (yes, you have to cursor through, but it shouldn’t be too bad) and break down the words into a frequency list.

Then take the word list and say that any word that appears more than 10% of the time must be important. Some kind of metric. You could filter out known services like conversationalist or favstar. You could run the words through a dictionary.

I’m surprised someone hasn’t done this already. But I’m just saying it’d be really useful if you could type in someone’s name and get a quick read on what others think of them.

Known Implementations:


Idea #1: Number Your Local Businesses

How's My Driving #11 sign on a truck
(photo courtesy of Cosmic Kitty)

I think someone should number the local businesses for a given market area. Or perhaps, you focus on a thinner slice like Restaurants. The objective of this would be to provide a very easy to remember number to use to look up information about a local business. Find a decent short domain that has to do with local or location (haven’t really looked much at this yet, I just had the idea this morning while walking the dog). Something like would be good, although I’m not Albanian. At the site, it’d be easy to peck in the number and get more info, kind of like those real state signs with a short code and a phone number.

Give each business a short number and offer them a simple way to print up laptop stickers, bumper stickers, small signs, etc., with their logo and their “golocal number” (for lack of a better term). Here in Austin, maybe BuildASign and Go Local Austin could deliver some parts of this. Although, Go Local Austin is focused on locally owned businesses only and this idea would be generally applicable to all businesses in the market.

You could limit it to 1000 businesses per market so that the numbers were always 3-digit (super easy to remember). Four digit numbers are easy to remember as well, but to create some exclusivity and a “rush to register”, you could limit the size of it. So, let’s say you’re a local business like Tacodeli and you decide to sign on to the program. would print up some “I LOVE Tacodeli” stickers with their logo and a reference number and give these to Tacodeli. They would then hand them out to their repeat customers and biggest fans. Perhaps could hold contests where users take pictures of their own stickers or signs they’ve spotted out in the wild. #372
(please forgive my lack of graphical prowess)

The web site would provide a basic page about the business and could provide all of the usual info: hours, location, map. A coupon should be made available from time to time for site users. Of course, the site could also offer search and roll up the businesses into markets. Here, it’s probably very similar to sites like Yelp or Citysearch. You may figure out a way to differentiate here, but I don’t know what it is right now.

You could also provide an SMS service to respond based on the number and market you’re in. Text to “12345” –> “austin 372” to look up business #372 in the city of Austin to get more info (such as hours & a map link, etc.)

The primary benefit of this numbering approach is the simplicity of just needing to remember one number. Not every local business is going to have a good web site/domain and some don’t even have one at all. This is one value which Citysearch and similar services offer is to give local business a “place on the web” when they may not have the wherewithal or inclination to create their own site. This could provide that feature, but with the added marketing benefit of an easy to remember number. This also means that the Citysearch’s of the world could use some variant of this idea to drive more traffic to their site.

Known Implementations: None.

Entrepreneurial Experiments

It doesn’t take money to make money. It takes creative thinking and hustle.

[vodpod id=Groupvideo.3883634&w=425&h=350&] (video of Tina Seelig at Stanford via Andy Sacks blog)

  • What experiments can you set up today to learn something new about what your customers want?
  • How can you use the constraint of having no money to your advantage by freeing up your mind to do something creative?

DoesFollow Adds Twitter List Support!

With the recent introduction of Twitter Lists, Twitter has given us a great new way to discover folks on Twitter. Each list can have up to 500 members. If you’re wondering if you or someone else is on a specific list, we’re back to paging through to find the answer, just like we used to do with followers (before launched last summer).

I was poking around the lists I’ve been added to and I happened to notice that @damon had been followed by @Scobelizer‘s Twitter Tools and Devs list. Interesting. So I started paging through trying to see if he had added my most popular apps. He had added SnapTweet, but I didn’t find DoesFollow.

I realized at that moment, what we all really needed was a simple Twitter List membership check:

Home Screen:

twitter lists membership check

Result Screen:

twitter lists membership check

Please give it a try and let me know if you have any feedback!

Charge Something

Jason Fried, speaking at Startup School regarding the launch of Basecamp:

We immediately put a price on it because that’s the only way I know how to sell things. How do you sell stuff for free? Anyone know how to sell anything for free? You can’t. You can only sell things for money.

I think it’s about time I heed this advice. I make a little bit of coffee money from my sites, but I would like them to make a lot more. 🙂 Jason recommended charging money as a way to get feedback from your customers about what they really want (and what they are willing to pay for).

Now, much is made of the Chris Anderson Free vs. 37Signals Charge, and both were presented at StartupSchool. Anderson acknowledged though that it’s not that everything should be free, but that products should be offered on a continuum of cost. 37Signals knows this quite well, as in Getting Real (which you can read for free online), they specifically call out always offering free samples of your product.